Whizz Bang Fizzy Crunch!
by Jan Dobbins
3 to 7 yrs - Early Years, KS1 - unison - (1m 11s)
Download includes: lead sheet (melody line & chords), lyrics, mp3 demo & instrumental
Theme - bonfire night, fireworks, autumn
Content - A bouncy, simple song using exciting words to describe the fun of fireworks time. The sound effects really make this song fizz and crackle! Very popular in this age group.
Lyrics sample -
‘Whizz, bang, fizzy Crunch!’ You will see
‘Whizz, bang, fizzy Crunch!’ over me.
Pretty sparklers look just fine:
‘Whizz, bang, fizzy Crunch!’ Firework time.
This song also features in 'Zippety Zappy Zee' and 'Songs For All Seasons'
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