About Starshine Music

At Starshine Music we believe that the performing arts are an essential part of a rounded education. We are committed to writing and publishing the kind of materials that teachers and pupils can produce with confidence. Our aim is to provide schools, youth theatre groups and choirs with high quality musicals and songs, all of which are written to inspire and motivate children, and structured with ease of learning and performance in mind.

Our musicals and songs are intended to be thought-provoking as well as fun. We consider it very important for children to be exposed to writing that has depth as well as entertainment value. Through many of our musicals children will have opportunities to explore issues in a dramatic context which are relevant to their lives in the 21st century (for example: bullying, poverty, selfishness, family and friendship issues, etc.)

Our writers, arrangers and editors are all experienced teachers who understand the pressures in schools today. Every effort is made to ensure that the products are user-friendly, and to help achieve the best possible final product, we always carry out extensive pre-publication trials in a variety of schools and other settings.

If you are new to our company, we hope that our website will inspire you to stage one of our shows, or to choose some of our songs, and join over 14,000+ UK schools and 1000s more overseas who have already enjoyed performing our music. If you have any comments that you wish to make, please do contact us at office@starshine.co.uk.

UK Tel: 01323 508881

International: +44 1323 508881

UK Fax: 01323 767145

International: +44 1323 767145

E-mail office@starshine.co.uk

Company Name - Starshine Music Ltd.

Registered Address - Brown Cottage, Glynleigh Road, Hankham, East Sussex BN24 5BJ