The River
by Peter O'Hare
7 to 11 - KS2 - optional harmony - (3m 23s)
Download contains: Piano-vocal score, lyric sheet, mp3 demo & backing tracks
Theme - Rivers, water, nature, pollution, environment, continuity
Content - The river is celebrated as it flows through the fields, valleys, and towns, making its way to the sea. It flows for all of us, and must be protected from pollution. This song would be excellent alongside a project on water or the environment. There is an optional harmony for the final chorus, but otherwise this is a straightforward song to use for general singing purposes with a tune that sticks in your head!
Lyrics sample -
The river has survived the ice age
Earthquakes and the war,
But now it faces dangers that
It’s never known before,
’Cos factories and chemicals
They poison everything.
Now some things you can’t wash away,
So listen to me sing.
The river runs to the sea,
Through the valley past the trees.
Yes it runs to the sea,
Running on for you and me…
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