Show The World
by Nairne Page
5 to 9 yrs - KS1, KS2 - unison - (1m 44s)
Download contains: Piano-vocal score, lyric sheet, mp3 demo & backing tracks
Theme – celebrate the birth of Jesus by shining bright
Content - A wonderfully energetic and uplifting song to celebrate the birth of Jesus. All the stars in the sky celebrate a special night by shining brightly. "We're never too little to shine our light!"
Lyrics sample
Show the world how we stars can shine bright,
For the King of the world that was born tonight.
Light up the sky with starlight
So that people remember this special night.
We’re never too little to shine our light.
Let’s show the world how we shine!
This song is from the nativity show 'Little Star's Story'
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